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visit us at 3761 main street vancouver bc canada

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Visit us In-person: 3761-3763 Main St, Vancouver, BC Canada

 (Google has our most up to date hours)

Email us: 

Wholesale inquiries:

Call us: 604-336-9913 (spa appointment bookings and gift-cards can be purchase online) 

Book Spa Appointments here

Brand Submissions: We appreciate your interest in partnering with us but we're currently not taking on new brands due to our limited store space.

That said, feel free to send us an email with some information about your brand and products to If we are in a position to take on new brands in the future and feel your offerings would be a good fit, we'll be sure to contact you!

*Please note - We do receive a high number of brand submissions and are not able to reply directly to all inquiries but will be sure to reach out if we would like to learn more or move forward in any way.