Our take on Self-Care

House Line: How we're using them
We want you to pick and choose the products that suit your skin. Some may benefit from using the Core 5 while others may just need one or two products to complete their existing line-up. Each and ...
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It doesn't seem that long ago that Oil (whether natural skin oils or Oil based products) was demonized in the beauty industry. Many believed Oils to be categorically "bad" for our skin due to the a...
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Let's Talk: Seaweed/ Marine Botanicals
Seaweed is thought of as a protective ingredient that has been shown to help heal skin, brighten and hydrate as well as boasting gentle exfoliating properties which is why those with specific skin...
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From Summer To Fall: Transitioning Your Skincare
The changing of the seasons is a good time to reassess your skincare routine. Our skin actually recognizes climate changes, reacting to regulate to its needs. With this, it's important we underst...
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Let's Talk: The Benefits Of Oil Cleansing
Oil cleansers can be a great option for effectively removing everything you don't want on your skin without stripping what you do want. The reason why they might just be a superstar addition to y...
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Let's Talk: Recycling your skincare packaging
When it comes to product packaging, the minimum we should be asking from our favourite beauty brands is recyclable or better yet, compostable containers. From creating our own skincare line as a ...
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Earth Day: Meet Our Local Brands
This Earth Day we're keeping things close to home. We want to highlight the brands and products that are local to us. Supporting local can be extremely impactful in the fight for a better, more s...
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As at-home skincare routines become more sophisticated and spa treatment offerings expand, we learn more about high-tech devices and tools that promise to tackle our skin concerns and look at the ...
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Layering your skincare properly matters whether you have a two or ten step regime. The aim is to allow each step of your routine to have direct contact with your skin so they can each do their job...
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The often confusing, transactional and uncomfortable world of pleasure has long been monopolized by companies trying to put sexual health and wellness into a one-size-fits-all box and on the other...
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